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1. Having tolerance without condoning.
We can love someone while still maintaining and advocating our standards and beliefs.
While we're at it, might as well abolish marriage itself. We'd effectively be maintaining and advocating our standards and beliefs, whatever that is, and it'd eliminate the notion of infidelity since "cheating on your wife" would no longer exist. Why marry when we can just love? Isn't loving enough? Who needs marriage and family and spouses and relationships that last for eternity?
2. Unless Proposition 8 passes, California society will soon undergo a profound change in its basic understanding of marriage and family life.
That will affect everyone in numerous ways. Over time, greater acceptance of nontraditional marriage will be demanded of all people. This could impact the ability of any religion to teach and practice its beliefs.
So those exhausting GSA presentations were a waste of time! Screw tolerance and acceptance! And it's not like religion hasn't been teaching lies already. They cannot take away the church's right to tell the children that Jesus does in fact hate the gays and lesbians. And for example, a few decades ago, interracial marriage was considered "nontraditional marriage." Look what that "profound change in the basic understanding of marriage and family life" did to us! Now, we have all these half-kids running around being geniuses and complete studs (Takahottie much?)
3. Proposition 8 will not hurt gays and lesbians.
In California, the law provides for marriage-related benefits to be given to civil unions and domestic partnerships. Proposition 8 does not diminish these benefits.
Bob and Bill sitting in a tree
k i s s i n g
first comes love
then comes civil union and domestic partnerships
then comes adopted baby in a baby carriage.
4. Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt children.
If same-sex marriage remains legal, public schools will put it on equal footing with traditional marriage. Children will likely receive “age appropriate” information about sexual relations within heterosexual and homosexual marriages.
I'd say that the dreaded sex-ed unit is long enough the way it is. Really, who wants to learn about the missionary position AND male on male penetration tactics? Because that's totally what we learn in sex-ed: sexual positions. or is it? I can't really remember... in fact I can't really remember learning anything during sex-ed... it's all a bit hazy... what was that "age appropriate" information about seuxal relationship in marriages we learned?
5. Failure to pass Proposition 8 will hurt churches.
The court’s decision will inevitably lead to conflicts with religious liberty and free speech rights. Society will become more and more hostile to traditional beliefs about marriage and family.
Screw the gays and their rights... the churches must protect their religious liberty and rights of free speech! If Prop 8 is denied, everyone will be hatin' on the heterosexual couples. And soon, the majority would become the minority. Because inside everyone is a shy little gay kid waiting to burst free.