Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ash wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday... though I don't know the exact significance of the day, I know it marks the beginning of Lent. That, I know a bit more about: Jesus battling his way through the desert for 40 days, never falling into Satan's many temptations. Although I can rarely call myself a Catholic on any given day, there is something about Lent that intrigues me; it seems to be the only religious "holiday" that I actually follow. Traditionally, someone would sacrifice something prominent in his or her life for 40 days; I know people who gave up things like facebook (unspeakable!), meat (disgrace to the family name), or just plain sweets (Chocolat, anyone?). I could never really sacrifice anything because of my lack of self control, but I do try fixing small things- lying less, spending carefully, or working harder. Anyways, I haven't decided what I should try doing this year, but I think it's about time I step down from the high horse for a while and try battling some of my vices... not religiously, really- never religiously.

Speaking of vices, I recently made a list of all the TV shows I watch on a regular basis. I won't list them here, but I can name about 14 shows on primetime that I follow. Sad? Pretty much. I don't really know when I started watching all these TV shows since I don't even have a functional TV in my house, but I guess that's just the beauty of the internet.

Lastly, I heard a poem in lit today that just made me shiver a little. Maybe it was just my terrible lack of sleep (THANKS, JET LAG), but still. Don't taunt me. Somethings just really touch me sometimes, you know? (that is not what she said)

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

-Fire and Ice by Robert Frost