This is how I feel - but stretched out over a span of hours, days, weeks,.... who knows how long it'll be. I think I've been swimming in a dream these days. I'm not really sure for how long , over a week, less than a month,,. But in all honesty, lot has happened and a lot has changed in my life. And I guess by some transitive property shit, a lot has changed in me.
What a dream.
And now, looking back in my present moments of rehabilitation, I realize I never took into account the future. So I suppose this is it, this is what has become of my future. Not bad.. huh. I spoil over the past. I reel it over and over in my head. and then I wake up. And then I forget it all. And then I try to salvage the pieces, create a new reality. And it's like a dream in a dream . And I guess at one point all I could do was swim further. Just keep swimming, right? Just keep swimming... but no.
Really I have no regrets. For anything- this applies to everything. Hah, I hope when I reread this one day in many days, I still remember the people I've met, the things we did, the things we learned, and the things we failed to do. I feel like I learned a lot about myself- and at the same time, decided to neglect every part of it. I don't even know what that word is anymore. Self-destructive? haha I see..
Anyway. I can't help but to do what I do.. Constantly try to remember the past. So I sit and think... and think... and .. think. wonder, remember, laugh a little, smile a little, then remember the worst part- that this is just a memory. and that a memory is obsolete for a reason.
Haha, this is autosaved at 12:09. Watch this get posted an hour later. why? because this is kind of painful at the moment. I don't know, I guess I am waking up now, layer by layer and what was all an ignorant dream - apart from my memories i escape - they come crashing down. Because I can't stand to face the future before I confront them.
So I confront them. But no, they confront me, they remind me, they make me think. My thoughts are muddled, mugged my confrontation. and so- wherein lies the future
I was inspired by enya today when she said.. hold up: "don't think ugh why didn't I ____. just look forward" that's what it is huh. kind of makes sense i guess.
Haha, but really. I really must be Miss Self-Destruction at its finest. Didn't know my masochistic tendencies could be manifested in these ways.
Waking up, this is confusion