Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have year-round allergies and so when the official allergy season begins, I pretty much die.

I am dying. I have been constantly taking medication, but when it comes down to it, I itch like a maniac. I itch perpetually: my face, my legs, my arms, my eyes (which are a part of my face, but a whole different kind of itching altogether)

Because of hypersensitivity, my face is also exploding with random patches of dryness or oil (I don't know) and eczema is all over my chin. I can't put my face down on anything... and yes, this means that I can't sleep at school because my face will be touching some desk surface of bacteria.

Life is unbearable. And my finals that actually matter are in a few days. AP testing is in less than two weeks and it is CRUNCH TIME.

I am incapable of sustaining a meaningful relationship with a significant other because I have this tendency to get sick of people. Now, I never really noticed this because when it comes to friends, I actually don't talk to, or even see most of them every day OR if i do, not to anything of magnitude. Being with someone would entitle me to devoting a certain amount of energy to the relationship and would also make me responsible for having to be with a person ALL or at least MOST of the time (maybe even for a LITTLE of the time)...

The point is that I get tired of people easily and a relationship would die after the first month or so.

I'm just saying that those are words for thought.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I get so excited when people invite me to hang out or go on random little excursions just because I'm somewhat of a loser.

I'm not the life of the party :( sadly.

That would probably be why I jumped at every occasion I was invited to this break... well, I blew off a couple, but for good reason. I enjoy being a loner once in a while!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

cops make me sad

I don't understand why Saratoga is crawling with so many cops. It's a very nice city and the biggest crimes that ever happen involve speeding or invisible pedestrians...

Why don't cops go to Oakland or something where they're actually required? You'd think that if law enforcers really cared about people, they wouldn't be spending their Saturday mornings prowling the suburbs looking for easy ways to catch people and make money.

The other new California driving law is Senate Bill 33. This law prohibits drivers under the age of 18 from using a wireless telephone or any mobile device while operating a motor vehicle. Unlike the other new California driving law, there are no exceptions for hands-free devices.